Kyle Onstott
May 2020

You are the CEO
The chief executive officer - The head of it all - In charge of the entire operation
You’re not just the CEO within your own business, but also within you family, finances, mindset, emotions, relationships. You control the whole organization. Now don’t get me wrong there are definitely areas in life where we have no control, only God does, but you get the picture!
So let that perspective seep in a little bit. C-E-O. You are the CEO of your life & all that comes your way, you are responsible for.
As a CEO you carry a very big responsibility. You have a lot of eyes on you consistently and must always maintain a positive outlook on things (even though stuff may be falling apart on the inside of the operation or organization). As the CEO you are responsible for the CFO, the COO, the CMO, & everything that resides below.
Are you ready to take on this role? Well guess what... it doesn’t matter if you’re ready or not because it’s already here! Your future goals & dreams depend upon how well you can lead your company, your family, or your finances.
You must be hungry. The drive, determination, & dedication must be rooted so deep inside you that you’d be willing to put in however much effort & energy needed to succeed. You understand that it’s not just about you, but all of those positions below you are supporting other families, putting food on their tables and keeping a roof over their head. Failure is not an option. You refuse to be defeated. No obstacle thrown your way will hold you down or hold you back from achieving excellence.
Now here is the test.. in your individual business (whether you own your own or are a sales professional through a large corporation it doesn’t matter) are you taking responsibility & ownership for everyone below you? If something goes wrong are you owning it? If the client is dissatisfied are you owning it? If something isn’t done in a timely manner, are you owning it?
You see... the best CEO’s out there are not blaming the people in the organization, they take responsibility & ownership themselves. They understand that leadership is created when you lead from the front.
Here’s a few characteristics of an elite CEO
1. Ability to learn from past mistakes/failures (even if they are not your own)
2. Relationship oriented
3. Optimistic & confident with a vision set ahead
4. Understanding with emotional intelligence
5. Listens & takes advice
6. Has courage, an abundance of compassion, vision & integrity
7. Takes extreme ownership in all situations
Now is the time to be the CEO you've always dreamed of having!

About the Author:
Kyle Onstott is an Author, Sales Coach, Entrepreneur, & Speaker. He believes every individual has patterns and behaviors that hold them back from reaching their highest potential. Kyle provides expert advice and impactful motivation along with multiple tools to start a new journey towards not only achieving your goals, but exceeding them in both your personal and business life.
As an experienced and esteemed speaker & consultant, he aims to deliver education, inspiration and entertainment to a variety of audiences. His sales, marketing, mindset, & business systems are the secret weapons used by thousands of sales professionals, business owners, and entrepreneurs alike. He has a large emphasis on delivering actionable content that can be used daily in business, at home, and within your relationships
If you have questions about sales or want to become a better CEO, reach out to me.